We went to a park this morning, where the leaves were falling/blowing off the trees like rain! Ainsley had a great time trying to catch them mid air! Porter was hard at work raking,Trey was sitting in the leaf pile,and I was enjoying sharing in some fall fun with my kids (and some picture taking :) )!
There were a few attempts at climbing a tree. . .
Some help from big sis. . .I LOVE THIS ONE. . . BROTHERS. . .And plenty of jumping into the pile of leaves. . .
OK, maybe it was LOTS of picture taking by mom :)
NOW, off to curl up with a good book and some kleenexes. . . if you haven't read Karen Kingsbury, I highly recommend starting with the Redemption series. . you'll be hooked!
Why are you taunting me with your long sleeves and nice fall leaves? Oh well, I guess I will just have to post lots of pictures of us outside with no snow in January. Just kidding, can't believe how big those BROTHERS are getting!
I just bought a Karen Kingsbury Book it is called Summer and I didn't realize it was part of series until after I bought it. Summer is book 2 so I need to go find book 1 before I read it now. I will have to check out the redemption series too. Cute pics I love fall pictures:)
oh, and it's even a 14 day loan!
i thought i saw you today, but then you were gone!
Why are you taunting me with your long sleeves and nice fall leaves? Oh well, I guess I will just have to post lots of pictures of us outside with no snow in January. Just kidding, can't believe how big those BROTHERS are getting!
I love fall fun!! What cute pictures of the kidos! Did you get the book finished?
I just bought a Karen Kingsbury Book it is called Summer and I didn't realize it was part of series until after I bought it. Summer is book 2 so I need to go find book 1 before I read it now. I will have to check out the redemption series too. Cute pics I love fall pictures:)
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