5 years ago I had my hospital bags packed!
5 years ago her nursery was ready. . .and I was sporting flip flops :)

5 years ago I walked with one foot on the curb and one on the ground thinking that might start labor.
5 years ago I drove my car over bumpy roads thinking that might start labor.
5 years ago I worked out on the elliptical machine every day thinking that might start labor.
5 years ago I had longer hair and spent time straightening it :)
5 years ago I ate a lot of bagels with cheese and apples with pb.
5 years ago I was wearing my lightest clothing to doctors appts, and asking them if they seriously needed me to step on the scale. . .couldn't they tell I was still pregnant? 

5 years ago I thought I could maybe do it without an epidural :) How bad could it be?
5 years ago I had no idea I'd be induced 11 days late and my October baby would be a November baby!

Now 5 years later,
I had to laugh when I found the above pic of my pregnant belly at 15 wks (blue tank top). . seriously, what a little baby bump! Maybe I need to be 15wks pregnant again :)ha I'm just kidding babe!
One of my all time favorite Little A pics, is one I took after she spent the morning at home with daddy. . . maybe this explains her love for sneakers like her daddy, even with a dress :)

And onto my next post. . .our almost 5 year old Ainsley girl today. . .
I remember that hat and toy dog... can you believe our girls are going to be 5 year olds soon? Ainsley was worth the wait, wasn't she?!
oh, i love looking back!
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