I was reminded this 4th of July weekend, as we got together with GooF and all of his brothers and wives that boys will be boys no matter how old!

Am pretty sure my oldest son is following in their footsteps with a love for all things that blow up or have to do with fire and smoke. . .

On the morning of the 4th, my dad made his traditional "camping breakfast" of pancakes, eggs and bacon cooked to order.

And my parents had brought back cowboy hats for the kids from their trip out west. . .

On the afternoon of the 4th we picked peas and raspberries, went to the park, grilled and made homeade icecream at Gramma Beckys and Grampa Seths. Then we took the kids to a fireworks display over the river. . .did I mention it started at 10pm? It is unlike me to take a baby out past his bedtime, but Trey got into the show. . he was pointing at the big fireworks. Porter was of course completely enthralled, and Ainsley got her second wind and talked nonstop after some late night tears bc her brother squished her lightning bug friend, who apparently lit up more often than all the other lightning bugs. . .boys will be boys.

Happy 4th!

What can I say? Boys will be boys, no matter how old, and I love them.

Of course, I love the girls in my life too! On the 5th I got to meet up with 2 college girlfriends for breakfast and catch up on their lives! We ate BBQ ribs at some friends' house that evening. Good times had by all on our holiday weekend!
1 comment:
At least you have a little girl to balance things out a little bit, I am all alone in a world of testosterone:) Oh-well maybe next time we will get our little princess.
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