Although a still photo can't quite capture my look tonight, my husband took one anyway. You see, every once in awhile I bend over and lift something heavy (today it was Porter) and for the rest of the day I can't stand up straight!!! I really am a sight and every time GooF looks at me he laughs! I felt like my dad tonight as I layed on the floor and asked the kids to "walk on my back." Shortly after this picture was taken they played doctor on me. Finally after a steamy bubble bath I could stand straight again. Did I mention I ran through pouring rain, actually you could call it a downpour, today with the double stroller and when I got into the mall the cup holders were filled with water and we were drenched?! The night ended by thankfully laying flat in Ainsley's bed with her and Porter and giggling while making hand shadow puppet shows on the wall. Now I'm afraid to get off my computer chair for fear that I won't be able to stand straight after sitting to type. . . .
And since I can't just post a picture of bent over me, here's some pics of the kids I took while SITTING in my lawnchair. . .

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