Well, the three amigas were signed up to participate in a "Big Dig" at a local park this morning. After all deciding on dresses :) they showed up and began by listening to a story. Then they dug for dinosaurs, and made a fossil (which broke when we pulled the dinosaur out). It was not quite what we imagined and Ainsley really didn't enjoy it as much as I'd hoped(probably should've opted for the princess ball through the parks dept), but here's some pics of our little archeologists.

I think Ainsley and Taetum preferred "digging" out the sand or toejams between their toes :)

There were photographers from the newspaper there, so we'll have to see what they write up about it, and if Ainsley's little friends got pictures in the paper!
In other news, I have been getting crafty and making "hair pieces" as my husband calls them for the little flower girls!!

And look at my little peanut. . .isn't he such a good helper/climber? I just love him!
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