Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. . now I'm breaking into song, but let me start at the beginning of our weekend. Friday night Ainsley and I went on a MOMMY DATE! I love them, because I am able to focus on 1 child at a time, which seems so easy when I'm used to 3! And although I usually try to spend time with each child individually during the day, on mommy dates we're usually out of the house, so I can't do housework, etc :)
We started by painting pottery (Ainsley chose to paint an ice-cream cone bowl and spoon), got french fries at her requeset, and then went to the Christian bookstore and cuddled up on a couch and read new books. Her favorite book we read was, "The Loud Family" (quite appropriate, right?) about Mama and Papa Loud on Sunday morning at church and they have a little girl, boy, and baby boom :)

I got teary as I read the end of The Mommy Date book "All I want is mommy time to make the moments last". . . ."you'll know how much I love you 'cause we took the time to play."
Saturday morning GooF took the kids to the grocery store and came home with a dozen roses (7 red :) ) and donuts of course. We went to the zoo and it started POURING, so when we got home, the kids splish splashed in the river in our backyard. . . and yes, then we took tubbies!

Sunday morning we went to church and then had our "Lovers Day" :) to ourselves! Mommy Dates are great, but I must say I love Daddy Dates too! A huge thank you to Grammy and Grampa for taking the kids for the day. We went out for lunch and even sat and enjoyed dessert! Then we went to the waterpark and laughed at the fact that all guys either wear swim trunks with stripes down the sides or flowers on them. And we were entertained by the loud college boys on the lazy river. Did I mention I love the lazy river? We also both love the go-karts, so raced them over and over and laughed as my husband peeled out on all the corners and caused me to crash :) And laughed that his go-kart was slower than mine :) Remember babe, NO BUMPING!!!!! After our date GooF took Porter out to ride the gokarts and then the kids went to Bible School at my parents church. Thanks Porter for taking our picture. . .(no, I'm not still bent over due to a sore back :) )

Happy 7 years GooF. . .only 68 more to go :) I loved spending quality time with you on our carriage ride 7years ago and I loved spending time with you yesterday

Every year on our anniversary I try on my wedding dress (I was able to squeeze into it on our first anniversary and last year when I tried it on I was 8 months pregnant). I wanted to post a picture from every year, but I'm not that tech savvy (no, we didn't have a digital camera 7years ago), so sorry, no pictures.
"And that will bring us back to. . . ." Trey's awake ha I'm still singing that song

1 comment:
Thanks for commenting on my post! And Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a fun weekend!
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