Yes, we woke up to a "white" Easter weekend. Saturday we had an Easter brunch (my mom is a great hostess and knows my husband loves biscuits and gravy) at Grammy and Grampa's house and hunted for our baskets and eggs. I always remember getting a new spring outfit in my basket as a little girl, so I've started doing that for Ainsley and got some adorable pink and green dresses/shorts/tank tops at old navy, and my mom still gets new spring clothes for us and the kids in our baskets :) Thanks to both grammy's for the baskets! One of my other favorite Easter time memories is acting out the song "Watch the Lamb" by Ray Boltz at church. As the pastor's kid, I got to carry a real lamb down the aisle. . that song still brings tears to my eyes. I loved Ainsley's Easter hat this year!

Then Sat night, we had a birthday party for Madison, and Porter proudly mastered the climbing wall at it. I don't know why these pics are crooked again. . .

After that, the kids made resurrection eggs. . .you put 12 plastic eggs in an egg carton and fill them with things that tell the Easter story. . .a cross, nail, etc, and the last egg is empty because Jesus has risen! Ainsley wanted to do it over and over and over. Porter's favorite egg to open was the one representing the last supper, because it had bread to eat in it :)
This morning we wanted to make it to the 8 o clock service, so needless to say, we were rushing around. Every time I put Porter's tie on, he'd pull it off. Ryan had the giggles, bc he remembered hating ties, but Porter and I were pretty frustrated with each other. By the time we got to church (late), his tie was all crooked, his shirt was untucked, and of course the only spot left in the sanctuary was the front row :) GooF thought he looked like an action hero from a movie, with his dress clothes all messed up.
After church the Easter bunny had left baskets at our house. . .Trey's first Easter and he got diapers and baby food. This boy. . the minute I start getting baby food ready, he smacks his lips. .. apparently he likes diapers too!

And then we went out to "the farm." Every year as a little girl, my family would go to our friends farm and eat and have a HUGE Easter Egg hunt (1200 Easter Egg), plus candy hidden everywhere. Some of the eggs have points in them that you can redeem for prizes. It's a fun tradition! Porter was pretty serious. . crawling through trees on the muddy ground to get an egg with a dime in it :)

And some other random wknd fun. . .we had a family puzzle night, and
looking out my window to see father and son playing baseball :)

Better go, the boys just got home from a date to Menards to get white doors for our playroom, bathroom. . .am going to paint the trim/doors in the basement white. . thanks Kristi for the idea!!
PS I think we started another new Easter tradition. . .the Nelsons called us over tonight after tubbies for a Barbie Princess movie. . .GooF acted like he didn't like it, but he was pretty into it :)
Cute Easter pictures! Sounds like you guys had a busy day and yes I did strategically place the toy in the picture of Ty, have to be modest ya know:)
My goodness what a lot of fun Easter. Abbey would love the giant egg hunt. And everyone looked great- Porter is cute with or without the tie! :0)
It looks like you guys had a fun Easter!! Alexa and Emma have the same dress as Ainsley but in pink!! I only wish is was a little more like spring!
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