I said, "Ainsley, what's Trey doing?" (it was awfully quiet) She replied, "Being smashed by his big brother." Shortly after, Porter said, "I like our new baby. We need another baby. We need lots of babies." 
And then there's Ainsley, who told Trey, "I present you to be my royal husband." And, "Trey, everybody loves you. Even people you don't know love you!" And "Trey, you're quite a handful!" Yes, she loves carrying him around. . .proud big sis.
One more cute saying. . . .we dyed Easter eggs tonight and Porter LOVES egg salad sandwiches, which he calls mustard sandwiches. He said, "Mustard Sandwiches are my FAVORITE THING I'VE EVER EATEN!!!" Here's to our day in a collage:

Better stop posting, my cookies keep burning :)
1 comment:
Baking cookies, dyeing eggs AND keeping a journal for each of your three children 4 and under? Okay, you win Mother of the Year, I give up! I was actually hoping it wouldn't occur to Abbey that she needed to hunt for things to put in her basket. Is that bad?
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