The kids had a blast at the pool tonight, and after Ainsley realized how much fun it is to jump in, she jumped in over and over and over again (didn't even cry when she went under). . .atleast 100 times. One of her little friends from church was at the pool, so they would count to 3 and then jump in together. . .check out my super hops dad!

Porter even got in on some jumping in action!

The whale slide was a hit. . .for Ainsley and Dora

Porter aka Gordon (that's what a gramma at the park thought his name was. . .gave me the giggles) loved the frog

And they even had sand to get messy in. . .complete with a digger for Porter

Should I crawl in the water or out?! I just love those dimples in the fingers. . .so sweet

The kids were pretty excited that the pool even had snacks, and GooF and I both got to go down the waterslide a few times. Good time had by all!
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