Tonight as I was making dinner, I asked Ainsley to set the table and she said, "I'll be the waitress! Let's have a restaurant." And soooo the fun began. . .the kids made a sign to hang on the door for daddy that said, "Family Restaurant" (that's the name she came up with :) ). Then they made a menu and put on aprons, and when daddy came home he said it was the best part of his day. Speaking of that, a friend from church gave us the idea to have the kids and parents say the best/worst parts of their day at dinner every night. I had sparatically been asking them this question prior, but it's fun to have it as part of our dinner time routine. Porter says the same thing almost every night. . .the best part of his day is usually hugging mommy. . .probably bc he then gets to get out of his chair and give me a hug (you can't fool us yet Porter, but I like your thinking and your hugs anyway).
Think we should go into business?
I am not ready for my teacher friends/sister to go back to school. . .we had some fun playing with them last wk, and we finished off the last wk of summer vacation with a girls night out to the pool. Taetum and Ainsley got to go on a double date with just their mommies (thanks daddies) and enjoyed jumping in to us in the deep end, climbing up the ladder, and getting nerd ropes when we left. . .

Can I just say how proud I am of these little fishies. . notice that their hair is wet! We went to the spray park one last time this summer, and Ainsley purposefully stood under the bucket to get dumped on!!!!

We brought along a picnic lunch. . .

Summer days 2008. . .

And in honor of my little olympic swimmer :). . .well not quite, but here she is in the tubby. . .

Trey is continuing to live up to his name of mobile mess. . .I left the fridge door open this wk while I was cooking in the kitchen and he ended up with yogurt in his hair :) Here he is helping me with laundry today. . .

Stay tuned as soccer season is about to begin and I will have to blog about life as a soccer mom/coaches wife for the GLITTERBUGS team!!!!
1 comment:
Can't wait to hear about the Glitterbugs! I'm sorry your friends are going back to school... you can come visit us if you want!
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