When Trey woke up this morning we all came in and sang him Happy Birthday! I usually make the kids a pancake with their birthday number, but Trey got a cinnamon roll with a candle this morning. . .and the first thing he took a bite of was the candle :)

Ainsley wondered if he can walk yet, and the answer is no, but that's fine by me. . he sat nicely in his stroller while we celebrated his birthday at the zoo this morning!!! His favorite animal was the ducks. . he leaned way over his seat to see them. . .

Thanks Grammy for packing us a picnic lunch and Auntie Stephy for bringing the birthday boy a balloon!
Happy Birthday Trey! Time has sure gone quickly! I always think it's kind of fun to look back at this time a year ago and think about what we were doing and I'm sure you are feeling much better today then last year:)
Hey Emily, You kids are sooo cute! I love the name Trey too. How much do you love the new petting zoo area at the zoo! I am sure that we will run in to each other there again before the snow flies!
Em, that little guy is so adorable!!! Happy First Birthday Trey!!! Looks like you guys had a great day. Thanks for always commenting on my blog, at least I know someone is looking at it!
Happy Birthday sweet little Trey! Emily I can't believe he's a year already. I tell you that 3rd little one just grows up way too fast. They all do for that matter! It looks like you had a fun day!
Happy birthday Trey! I remember getting a phone call a year ago from a very groggy Emily because no one else was up for her to call! The year goes so fast... Elliott loves ducks too and actually said duck yesterday. I hope she and Trey can meet each other one of these days!
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