Let us not forget to pray
To God who kept us through the night
And woke us with the morning light
Help us Lord to love you more
Than we've ever loved before
In our work, and in our play
Be thou with us through the day!

This is the prayer we said every morning on the way to school as a child. This morning was Ainsley's 1st day of preschool, and we said the same prayer on our way. It made me think about how as a child I knew I could pray to God to calm me before tests, etc at school, and this morning it reminded me that God would be with Ainsley even if I couldn't be a little mouse in the preschool room :) We arrived 15 min early. . .think I was excited? This morning GooF wondered who was more excited for preschool. . Ainsley or I. We dropped her off and she gave Porter, Trey and I big hugs. When I picked her up she had a few tears bc she said two little girls weren't listening to the teacher and weren't keeping their hands to themselves, so it took longer to come out and see me. But she said she liked it. . music class was her favorite. Here's a pic of her 1st preschool artwork she had to do at home and bring with her today. She also had to pack three things to show about herself. . she chose a dolly, a tutu, and a teapot :)

We celebrated with Happy Meals at McDonalds.

When Porter started telling her about his day (am pretty sure he liked his mommy time while Trey napped. . we built a ramp, raced cars, rode bike, etc), Ainsley said, "Next year when Porter goes to preschool can I stay home with you?" Porter said, "I'm proud of you for going to Beeschool Ainsley." And how did mommy do? No major tears. . just a little choked up when I was asking another mom I know how she was doing, and she asked me. . .I was like, "just great, til now :)"
We are so proud of you Ainsley for going to your first day of Preschool!

Oh, and I can't forget on my bike ride with Porter this morning when he asked me, "Mommy do you like flowers?" I replied yes, and he went and picked me these. . .

Thanks Porter. . I love your handpicked flowers. . you even called them sunflowers.
As for Trey today, we just got home from meeting daddy at the corner after work. While we were waiting for him, trucks would come by and we'd move our arms up and down to get them to honk, and Trey started doing it too!!! Way to keep up with those big siblings!
Wow a preschooler already. Crazy to think Miss Ainsley is getting to be so grown up:) Glad to hear she had a good time.
So glad you made it through the bid day!! Glad Ainsley had fun! It is nice to have some one on one time with the little guys too! Shane talks my ear off when the girls are gone!
Good job Mom and Ainsley! Look at that big backpack! Before we know it there will be homework in there.
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