I don't even know if the fair is worth blogging about, but Ainsley said, "Thanks! You're letting us do everything we wanted to tonight," so apparently the kids liked it. We thought the fair would cost a dollar or two to get into, but it was 5 dollars for adults just to get in and then you have to pay for rides/food, etc. So we let the kids get some cotton candy

and then choose a ride. . the ferris wheel was not up, so they chose the rickety old, loud motorcycles :)

We walked around and spent the rest of the evening in the FREE farm. The kids LOVED petting the lamb, bunny and kitty, and thought the piglet was so cute. GooF and I thought otherwise. We just kept looking at each other and laughing. Maybe we need to get out more, but people watching was quite entertaining at the fair. Other than that, the kids highlight was milking this cow. . .poor mama cow is leaking all over. . . .
In other news, one morning this wk we opened the windows and could hear trucks outside. Porter wanted to go watch them in the worst way, but it was RAINING. I knew these Cyclone ponchos would come in handy again (we got them at a pouring track meet). Here's Porter and I heading over to see the trucks in the rain. . .
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