Just look at the guy when his sister left for preschool. He said, "I miss Ainsley," and went and looked at the heart they each made for each other before she left that morning.
They do not ALWAYS get along. . .Porter enjoys picking on her and she has a high pitched squeal when he does, but they DO love each other. The other day, when I was getting crabby myself, I picked up my phone to call and complain to none other than Bethany (my TX friend), and guess who I had a message on my phone from. . .none other than Bethany. Thanks for making my day girl!!
On Saturday, GooF's parents came to help with the basement bathroom, and of course Porter was a help as he loves anything having to do with tools. . .I had Gramma and Grampa sneak behind the kids for a quick photo opp. . .
Sunday we had a little superbowl party at our house (complete with child made decorations). . .Trey has his arms up for TOUCHDOWN! Thanks Matt and Michelle for rocking Trey :) And, I had to take a pic of our veggies, bc we DID have them :) Oh, and of course GooF and I wore our homemade RAMS shirts. . it's tradition!!! AND, for some NOT ME FUN. . . I did not walk into Ainsley's bedroom this week and find this. . .the life of a 2 footer. . .
I DID NOT walk into Porter's room and find he had done this while "falling asleep". . .
I DO NOT live in a house where seeing this. . .
and this. . .
is the norm.
I DID NOT have a child (pretending to be a firefighter) that tied a jumprope around his waist and around the bunkbed and jumped off. NOT ME! (Yes, I told him that this is NOT OK!)
I DID NOT have a stranger ask me in the pool at our wknd getaway what I called my daughter, and when I told her, she did not reply, "Ainsley. I LOVE THAT!" Speaking of the pool and Ainsley, she is NOT putting her face under and getting much braver in the water. . .NOT HER!
As for Porter, he did NOT have an eye appt today and he does NOT have 20/20 vision. Not GooF's child!!
Porter also had a speech appt this wk to see if he qualifies, and I was so proud of him. For an hour, he answered all of the ladies questions (such as "what do you use a car for?" his answer, "to go to the grocery store to get food" ) and they kept complimenting him on his GREAT SMILE! He impressed them with his memory, humor, and by telling them, "You have fun games!"
This is NOT the same child that threw a fit in the locker room today when he was overtired, and caused himself a bloody lip by running into the wall. Did I mention I still love him just the same?! I do. Always. Love him. No. Matter. What. This is NOT the same child that just told me we needed something "beautiful in the center of our table" for supper :) Love him. And NOT the same child that tells me to give him a "kiss right here" before I drop him off anywhere, "and a hug." Love him. Love All of them.
Trey does NOT sit at the breakfast table, eating cereal forever. He does not finish off one bowl, ask for "more," finish off another bowl, and still ask for "more." My boys are NOT all about food. Not them!
My oldest did NOT just ask me when it's her turn on the computer. I would NOT allow that. Not me. Never. I completely and totally am always planning fun, educational, activities for them, 100% of the time, and would not allow them to spend time playing computer games. NOT ME!!!!
Computer games are fun and educational. . .right? Good, bc I need to get our stuff ready for dance!
1 comment:
Your trip away looks like a lot of fun. We may do that this weekend when we go see my brother or we may just be cheap and stay with him:) Gabe would love to stay at a motel though.
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