The highlight for Ainsley was seeing the Meerkats. . I didn't even know she knew what a meerkat was :)
- My favorite fruit is the plum, and my favorite meal is fettucini alfredo.
- In my dream home, I'd have a big white wrap around front porch, but I'll settle for decorating my little home, and rearranging furniture in Ainsley's dollhouse :)
- I faithfully watch the Bachelor and Rachael Ray.
- My LEAST favorite chore is laundry (had to include this since it's your favorite Bethany) I'd much rather scrub my floors!
- I can say the alphabet backwards
- My feet have grown a half size with each pregnancy, but I haven't gotten stretch marks, so it's an even trade. No, my tummy doesn't look the same though :)
- I do get mad, even if that surprises you (and I can't ever remember how to spell surprise)
- My favorite jeans are GAP long and lean. . they even make cute maternity ones. . not lean, but cute :) I guess I'm posting 8 things, ha.
There, I did it. .enough about me :) We took the 5 grandkids to get pictures taken together for the 1st time today. . we survived :)
Tell the truth- did you put all the kids in overalls to be cute, or so that you could easily grab them if they tried to run away?! (I will never forget a pregnant Emily chasing Ainsley through the Omaha zoo aquarium.) Good job posting about you! Miss you.
So cute in their overalls! I think you should get Porter a tractor he can practice driving on for his birthday so that way he can get in plenty of practice and he doesn't run into anything when he really starts driving:)
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