This post is for you, my GooF, since you tease me for writing about the cute things the kids do, and not about the trouble they cause :) I do have to write one cute thing first. . today we were at playgroup and Porter played the toy guitar while Ainsley sang in the toy microphone. . they are quite the duo! On the other hand, we daily have Porter pushing Ainsley over, and Ainsley egging him on. Today as I was downstairs putting laundry away, Ainsley came running downstairs to tell me there was trouble. I ran up the stairs and on the way heard a thud and a cry. Porter had picked up Trey and dropped him. Needless to say, he was in Trouble with a capital T! By these pics it looks like he's saying "Who Me? Couldn't Me?" It's hard to stay mad at him when he says "I love mommy" with a hug. Here we are off to meet dad. . I ended up carrying Trey, and pushing the other two and the tractor in the stroller :) 

By this pic you took babe, it looks like Trey will be following in his siblings footsteps :)
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