Yes, that's what Ainsley says her plants need to grow. . "Company, Love, Water and Sun." Friday was so beautiful we took the kids to the park and watched as Trey got to experience grass for the 1st time. . he'd pull it and look at it (luckily not eat it). . .how fun to watch my child exlpore God's creation.

All three kids were GIGGLING as they interacted on the swings, and seeing Porter's barefeet pitter patter through the sand topped off the evening. Saturday morning we went to Home Depot and the kids got to pound together wooden flower boxes and test drive a lawn tractor with daddy. We spent the rest of the morning hanging up our birdhouse and birdfeeder

and today after church we made brunch and then planted some seeds in the rain. I have lots of favorite parts about being a mommy, and some not so favorite parts, but one thing I love is seeing things through the eyes of a child. A rainy day is a perfect day to plant seeds and play in the rain(instead of take a nap like I'd typically do)!

Ahh, and the things that come out of their mouths. . .this weekend Ainsley wanted to send Great Grandma Fern and Great Grandpa Morris a note quickly to tell them Trey is crawling, and she said, "Quick, have they left for heaven yet?" "When will they leave?" "I need to send them a note before they leave for heaven." And then she said, "Have Frank and Milly (other great-grandparents) left yet?" I told my grandma Fern this tonight and she responded, "Tell her we're taking the next train:)" And then there's Porter. First he wanted a Monster Truck birthday party, but tonight at dinner at my parents he informed us that he wants a Strawberry Shortcake birthday. Can you tell he has an older sister?
May your week be filled with company, love, water and sun!!! Oh, and smiles from Trey at 8 months!!!!

Your stories make me smile so much. Hannah and Ainsley would be such good buds for each other. She loves to water her flowers and is contantly wanting to "gardening."
Are you sure you don't want to move to Texas? The weather is great!
Isn't nice weather fabulous! I'm sure Ainsley's plants will grow wonderfully with all those things:)
PS You guys are welcome to come visit and eat Hickory Park anytime!
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