Oh my goodness, I am still laughing!! One of my favorite childrens books as a little girl was "The Little Lamb," and my parents saved it and passed it on to us. So tonight as Ainsley and Daddy were reading it, she really wanted him to be Timothy, the Lamb, and her to be Emmy, the little girl in the story. What a dad. . here he is dressed up in white wooly jogging pants, with a leash and bell on, and her in her party dress :) They acted out the whole story, including when Timothy the lamb knocks over the birthday table that he's tied to :) GooF and I couldn't stop laughing! 
The pic of the day is Trey in the sink. . .there were 3 in the tub and the little one said, "I'm crowded, I'm going to the kitchen sink!"
1 comment:
Yes Ty eats the fruit and veggie puffs too, I have tried little pieces of banana with him and he does well with that and he likes cheerios. (He does have 6 teeth though)
PS Tell Ryan he makes a good lamb:)
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