parties on! Ainsley's Birthday celebrations continued Sunday night at my parents, and then Monday morning she woke up SO VERY EXCITED to be 5! Our birthday morning tradition is pancakes in the shape of how old you're turning (complete with a candle in it)!

She loved getting birthday phonecalls, and Auntie Stephy's class calls every year and sings! Those would be the new polly pockets she got. . .I'm the one in the purple shirt and skirt, and Ainsley's the one in the birthday hat :) One of her other birthday gifts was a Barbie. . now, I grew up playing with Barbies and still had a good self image, so when I saw a Barbie/dog set at Walmart on sale, I picked it up for her. When she opened it, GooF commented on how short Barbies skirt was, so I said, "I'm sure she has underwear on." Well, I lifted up her skirt to show my husband and was HORRIFIED at what I found. . Barbie was in thongs, and I don't mean flip flops!!!!!!!!!!! Now granted, they were attached to her skirt, but seriously, I could not believe my eyes. This reminded me of the time a boy was over at my house for piano lessons as a kid and I got a plastic barbie in the mail from my Grandma. . .I opened up the gift (in front of him) and the barbies orange swimsuit was not covering her chest! Well, back to Ainsley's new barbie, and it gets funnier. I asked if the little brown things that came with the dog were supposed to be doggy treats or doggy do do. . .well, guess what? They double as both!! The dog eats and poops!! Ainsley may just have to stick with my old barbies :)Good thing I bought one for my niece too :) And speaking of animals, my family about talked me into a kitty at the pet store on Ainsley's birthday, and I am very allergic to them! The little kitty's name was Dre and it was looking at us like it needed to come home with us! The kids were saying, "We love Dre."
Back to the birthday celebrations. . .Grammy came over on Ainsley's big day and brought her a new princess watch (she has been telling us the time every 5 minutes since then. . .think she loves it!) and played games with her. . .notice Ainsley got to wear new jammies as long as she wanted on her day!

Then we met daddy at Chuck E Cheese for dinner and some fun (at the request of Ainsley)!

Can I just say that I LOVE the Bozo the clown game, AND I'm good at it!
Afterwards, Ainsley and daddy went on a date to Culvers for her free Birthday sundae! She chose butterscotch and oreos for her toppings. . mmmm!
This morning, Ainsley was the student of the week at preschool. . .she was going to have daddy come tell a story (our kids LOVE to sit at the dinner table and listen to daddy's stories about his brothers and Gramma Becky saying"you boys are filthy") but decided her friends don't know who her uncles are, so she chose to have mommy come read, "Such a Silly Baby." Her preschool friends laughed and laughed. . Porter even got to come to circle time and listen! She also got to bring pink cupcakes with pink frosting and sprinkles for snack time! For student of the week, she said her favorite food is curly noodles and her favorite thing to do is "teach and love!" :)
Porter and I came home and played Construction Site in the sand box. . .

I think the picture with his arm over the swing and all the trucks lined up is absolutely charming! Porter William, soon to be 3 1/2!

Porter is not only great with naming his trucks, but he also wrote his name for the first time! We're so proud of you Porter!

Now, for a little NOT ME fun from my day. . .
I DID NOT snitch Halloween candy from my childrens buckets. . .NOT ME!
I DID NOT give my 1 yr old a cup with water at the grocery store. He did not spill a little on the floor, and even if he had, I most certainly DID NOT slip my shoe off and wipe it up with my sock!! NOT ME! Then, I did not give him his cup back and he did not spill even more. . .this time I did not have to ask a worker to clean it up because even my sock couldn't soak up that much water. . .NOT ME!
On the same grocery trip, I DID NOT have a 3 yr old crying at check out because I bought the little green container of cottage cheese instead of the big blue container of cottage cheese. Even if he had been crying I DID NOT have people looking at me :) NOT ME! Oh, and I did not give my one year old a sucker, so I could reason with and calm down my 3 yr old! NOT ME!
OK, it sounds like my trip to the store was bad, but it really wasn't. . .the kids stay by me so nicely and don't ask for too many things :) The nice ladies today said, "Look at your good helpers!" And the old lady worker, "Can I help you four with anything?" :) Um, could you get me a big blue container of cottage cheese? Please?!
With that, another great big birthday wish, my little party planner. . .On her birthday morning, she went downstairs to the chalkboard and wrote her name with a number 5 :) Then we took the chalk outside. . .

Happy Birthday Ainsley!! It looks like you had a wonderful birthday weekend and birthday!
I'm assuming Dre is pronounced similarly to Trey. Tell the kids you can't have a pet that has a name that sounds like their little brother! :)
Wow can't believe Ainsley is 5 already! Has it really been that long since I've seen you too(you were pregnant with her when you guys moved away:( We have a wedding in Sioux City in June maybe we'll have to make a side trip to Sioux Falls...
I was thinking today was Ainsley's birthday but it was Monday. (My friend in Florida's son is turning 5 today.) A very happy birthday to her! You must all be partied out! Looks like so much fun, you are really the best mom, Emily.
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