Friday morning we had our first MOPS meeting of the year, which started off with acting out The MOM song by GoFish. Ainsley got to fill in and hold up the letter M, while I was "the cooker." When I went to pick Ainsley up from MOPPETS, she had made friends with a little girl named Ansely! I just love MOPS. I started going when we lived in NE because I needed to meet other mommies, and now I consider it such a blessing to help out with this awesome ministry!!

Then, after putting on dry clothes, dropping off our littlest man at my parents, and grabbing some chilli and sloppy joes, we headed to the first home Cougar game of the season! Ainsley and Porter could hardly wait to get there and cheer on "the footballers!"
We were set with our pom poms and Barbie megaphone (aka microscope). GooF said we need to bring some more boyish things along next time, since Porter kept shaking his wrong colored pom poms and yelling through the megaphone :)
Some of the highlights were our ever so tiny funnel cake, and having Cooper the Cougar throw us a FREE t-shirt!
We look forward to many more Cougar games!!!

Friday evening we had a get together with the other math/computer science professors, families, and students.
We had Saturday all planned out. . .my sister Jenny and her husband were in town to cheer on the Glitterbugs soccer team, when we woke up to rain :( The game was cancelled, but we still went out to the muddy apple orchard. . .Porter's favorite part was shaking the wet tree branches :)

Sunday morning we taught Sunday School and then were invited to the house of someone from our church family. . .she said our kids were so well mannered and polite, which was a wonderful compliment! We had a football nap, dinner at my parents, and some apple pie making. . mmm!
Off to clean muddy clothes and shoes from our wet weekend. . .

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