10. When GooF came home from work Fri he mentioned camping out in the backyard Sun night . . . well, the minute he mentioned it, the kids were EXCITED to do it. . .why wait til Sun? They planned and packed all night long and even took a trip to the beach aka pool. . .

We roasted marshmallows on the grill

And if you ever want to hear the "gurgle gurgle" story, Ainsley would be happy to tell it :)
The next morning. . . .

9. Grammy brought Chinese chicken over for lunch Fri and Ainsley set the table, complete with a "centerpiece." Grammy also brought a darling dance outfit :)

8. Date Night at LifeLight Saturday night!!! The kids spent the night at my parents,

so we got to worship with Michael W Smith!!! There was no way I was sitting in my lawn chair. . .thanks GooF for dancin with me up front!

Did I mention I met someone new during the concert. . started talking to a pregnant mom with 2 little ones and found out they camp here every year for lifelight and they're from Ames IA!!!
7. The Big Yellow School Bus!!!!!! Sunday morning we told the kids they got to ride in a big yellow school bus to church outside (LifeLight). They entertained the other people on the bus (who thought they were pretty cute :) ).

6. Funnel cakes and dancing during church

5. Big brother giving little brother underdogs. . not so sure he liked it. . .

4. Trey learned how to crawl up and down the steps well enough to get rid of the baby gate!!!

3. Walks around the block with my precious little girlie and little guys. . .

2. Ainsley on her 3rd day of preschool.

And the number 1 top ten weekend adventure is. . . .drum roll. . .let's go with warm chocolate chip cookies and game night Monday night!!!!!!

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