After Ainsley's soccer game Saturday morning (in which Porter really wanted to play, and daddy pointed out the lack of competitiveness),

we told the kids we had a surprise. . .the apple orchard was open and we were going! They had been asking since they had seen the pics from last year on the calendar. And this year Ainsley was brave enough to ride the little train with her brave little brother.

It was a beautiful day. . .fall was in the air, and it wasn't too busy at the orchard! We spent some time playing in the haybails

I LOVE these pics of the kids. . .Ainsley was very excited that I'd packed her new apple tree outfit!!

Mr. King of the Playground himself. . .

Ainsley and Porter each got a bag to fill with apples, and we headed out on the tractor ride

APPLES GALORE! They were everywhere, and we couldn't wait to take a bite! Thanks daddy for lifting us up for the biggest, juiciest, reddest ones!

Trey couldn't get enough of his apple, but he had a hard time chewing it with only 6 teeth! Have I told you lately I love your chubby little dimpled fingers? And I just want to kiss those sweet cheeks!

I am a very blessed mommy! Thanks for a fun family day at the orchard!

We came home and made apple crisp and chilli!
Looks like you are raedy for FALL! That really does sound fun. Maybe if Abbey picked an apple herself she would eat it! Elliott, on the other hand, likes to help herself to apples in the grocery store when I am not looking.
Love the fall fun!!! Hoping to hit the orchard this weekend or next!
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