Someone once told me that you think your second kid will be a playmate for your first kid and then you realize it's someone for them to argue with :) Some days this statement is true, like when Porter ROARS at Ainsley and she runs away screaming, but yesterday I was so proud of them as they played so well together on their own! They carried sand/rocks/grass up to their fort. . .

worked together on some landscaping. . . .

giggled and giggled as they had a squirt gun fight. . .goggles, hats, and all. . .

Ainsley and Porter, being 18 months apart, don't remember life without each other! When Ainsley's busy playing with girlfriends or not around, Porter usually acts out. . I don't think he knows what to do when his sister isn't telling him what to do!!!! I'll just call this next video "the tornado drill." We had some really high winds and the kids wanted to take everything downstairs where it was safe. . .well, this led to jumping down the stairs onto couch cushions. Dad really couldn't stop them since he did the same thing with mattresses in college :) And, I must say, as long as our couch is old and nasty anyway, it provided some VERY FUN entertainment for both kids and parents!
And, the baby. . need I say more? Awake or asleep, he is such a blessing. . .

Thanks Grammy for all my new jammies!! Now my legs have room to grow:) Sunday after church we had a picnic lunch at the zoo. . .

I love you!
I'm already seeing both the arguing and playmate thing with my boys(well Ty doesn't exactly argue but you know what I mean) It makes me so happy to see them interact and laugh with each other and then the next second Gabe is yelling at Ty for chewing on his car:) Oh the joys of parenting!
Love all the pictures with the green grass and sunny skies. Isn't it so nice to be outside. Looks like we might have some rain though the next couple days! It is such a blessing when they are sweet playmates!
ha, I almost thought about tagging you but then remembered that you had been tagged for something similar not too long ago so spared you:)
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