For starters, as I picked the kids up from the church nursery this morning after a meeting, Porter ran out the nursery door. When I went to find him, I could hear him, but not see him. I yelled up the church stairs for him, and finally found him IN THE ELEVATOR, with the door CLOSED! Parenting mistake #1 was letting him out of the nursery. Parenting mistake #2 was then letting him ride the elevator upstairs with me and Ainsley in it. As we were riding, he pressed the red "help" button. Ainsley started crying because she knows he's not supposed to press that button, and mommy is in a tizzy hoping the fire department is not on it's way. Why didn't he press the button when he was in the elevator alone?!! No, he waited til I was in there with him, and should've been watching him better. Long story short, well, kinda short, all is well that ends well, and the fire department did not show up.
After nap, we went to the wading pool for the first time this summer!!!!!!! And my funny husband noticed it's the only time in the year that we're as tan as the lifeguards (and we're pretty white!)
Should I go in?
Later this evening we took the kids around the block and should've stopped after one joyous ride around. The second lap, both kids were running into each other with their bikes, etc etc. All is well that ends well. . .they pedaled into our driveway with smiles. We came in and Trey thought he was so funny feeding me his Veggie Puffs. He'd act like he was going to eat them and then give them to me :)
And lastly, I sat and rocked my baby to sleep. I watched as his eyes would open and he'd look at me and then half smile and close his eyes. With Ainsley, I always felt like I should be letting her cry to sleep like some other moms were doing(which if it works for you, great!), but with my 3rd child, I am much more confident in my parenting and when I get the chance to rock my baby to sleep, I'm going to take it. There's not much better than that. All is well that ends well!
I have to post some of my favorite pics from this wk. . .
Ainsley and Maddie at the zoo. . .they kept chest bumping and giggling. . go figure. . .girls!
Porter helmeting his little bro. . .
Making mommy a mud/grass lemonade, complete with a straw! Look at the sweet way she's kicked up her heel and her dress is blowing :)
Park and ice-cream with Grammy and Grampa. . .