Our weekend started early Fri morning, with Porter waking up sick. Too many Valentine goodies?! Anyway, Ainsley drew him the cutest Get Well Picture and hung it up for him, so had to post a pic of it. Saturday morning, Ainsley and her cousin Taetum got fitted for Flower Girl dresses for Auntie Jenny's wedding! She gave them the cutest, funniest book, "The Little Flower Girl." Then my niece Taetum, had a pool party. The kids were so excited on the way there they were saying, "We smell the pool!" Both kids went down the big waterslide with daddy!! Ainsley got to go on the best daddy date ever this weekend and before her nap she asked if I'd put her hair in a bun so she'd wake up with curly hair for her date :) She even picked out daddy's shirt! Oh, and the pic of my very helpful husband holding 3 kids I just had to post. When I was pregnant with Trey, you could often times find him holding one kid in each arm and people would ask, "what will you do when you have 3?" Now you know!!!
1 comment:
I am tired just thinking about your weekend! Does Ryan get Presidents day off? Chad is home today and it's great!
When is Jenny's wedding? Can't wait to see the little flower girls in acton.
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