Trey Coleman, also pronounced, "Fray Toeman" by Porter is 6 months old today! When he woke up this morning, the kids knew it was his half birthday. . .they looked at him, and said, "He's so big!"
A few of their comments in his first 6 months have been, "His big toe fits in my nose!" "Where was Trey before your tummy? Maybe with God because he always gives us things, or maybe with Santa." "Milk him mommy. . .Trey's like a cow!" "I know, I know, I'm here for you," "Mommy, I tiptoed in Trey's room, peeked and he opened his eyes!" (Yeah, right). And best of all, "I love Trey and Trey loves me!"
Abbey, you made me laugh with the "why is the naked baby crooked?" comment :) I'm still giggling. Sweetie, I have no idea. . the baby wasn't crooked when I uploaded the pics and he definitely wasn't crooked when I took the pics :)
Ainsley and Porter just came and gave me kisses to wake me up, so off to start my day! Emily
You're so big Trey and we love that you recognize us! We love you!
I think Ty and Trey have the same wardrobe, Ty has that puppy outfit and that sweater too:) So Cute, hard to believe it has been 6 months already!
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