During these winter months, I am amazed at how creative the kids are when they play. This morning, they packed up their sleeping bags, took them into the kitchen "aka campground," and proceeded to build a fire with straws, and roast mini marshmallows on toothpicks. They even blew on their marshmallows to "cool them" before eating them. Their camping trip was complete by singing "Kum Ba Yah :)" By the end of the camping trip I was exhausted and much more appreciative of all the work my parents did when they took us on real camping trips as kids. . .esp those campfire breakfasts!
Aren't their little minds amazing? We went to feed the ducks today and Hannah started counting the ducks. "Look, Mommy. Lots of ducks and one goose. Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck and goose....hey! That's just like my game!" :)
Then when we got home we had a picnic of hot cocoa (not hot chocolate as she constantly reminds me) in the igloo under the play table....because she was so ccc-oooo-ld. :)
Abbey would love to play camping with them... except she's never been camping... and I'll probably never be the one to take her!
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