A week ago as we were leaving the surgical center and Ainsley's anesthetic was wearing off, she said, "I can walk but I'm not quite ready to do cartwheels yet." :) Ainsley's enamel on her teeth did not calcify in utero, so she needed dental work done. Tues morning as we arrived at the surgical center, she was very excited to get a pretty hospital "bracelet," and she looked mighty cute in her tiny scrubs. The pudding and popsicles in the recovery room were also quite a treat! Thank you to those of you praying. . .they said she was so cooperative and the only ones who got tears in their eyes were GooF and I :) There were numerous times Tues morning that I felt God's presence, and watching Ainsley understand that she can talk to God even when she can't talk to mommy gave me such peace. As we read her nightly devotions for preschoolers book, the verse for Tues was "I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me." I love how God does that! And that leads me to. . .pink eye!
Ainsley got pink eye and passed it on to Porter who said "I don't have pink eye, I have BLUE eye!" Thus I took my first trip to the doctor by myself with 3 kids! The kids were unbelievabley good. . .they sat on the floor and listened to the doctor, just like mommy told them to. The rest of the week was spent giving them eye drops, Trey a steroid and Porter cough med. . .and using Clorox Anywhere Everywhere!
The highlight of our week was finding out daddy passed his qualifier!!!! We're proud of you GooF! Of course, since he passed his big test, it was reason enough for Ainsley to have a party, so she set out the "You are Special" plate for daddy, and he came home to us parading up the stairs with musical instruments :)
In other news, Ainsley has been sitting at the table for hours writing words. . .it is so fun to watch her! Porter has been loving on his girls. . .he pats my back when he hugs me, and when his cousin Taetum said her daddy was going to be gone for 5 days he said, "I will take care of you Taetum!" Trey is busy rolling across the room, eating all kinds of baby food, and belly laughing!

Ainsley and I did get out on a stroller ride through the puddles with our babies. . she definitely has her own fashion sense :) Speaking of which, she and I also got out to do some shopping and I must say, I love having a little girlfriend to shop with! She got some spring capris, headbands, a yellow Eater dress and flip flops of course!

1 comment:
When it rains, it pours, right? You will have to post an instructional video on how to give preschoolers eye drops. Glad you all made it through your busy crazy week and that's great about your super smart husband!
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