Life Verse Design

Life Verse Design
Life Verse Design

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Psalm 89:1 says "I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. . "

The other night as I was tucking the boys in, Porter requested the hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" because Grandpa sings it at sleepovers. I remembered most of the chorus (with Porter's help), but not all of it, and I had to go pull out the hymnal I got from my grandparents so I could sing it to him. . .all three verses with the chorus in between :) I may have gotten the giggles a few times as I stood in their room singin like an old church lady and the boys were completely quiet listening :) He stopped me and asked during one of the verses, "what are courses?" I was glad he didn't ask, "what is manifold". . .which grandpa later told me means many :) I love the verse above, because not only is this a song that both my parents, and my sister Jenny, and my great grandma Emily love/loved, but it is also a song of faithfulness being passed on to the next generation in Porter. I am so blessed to have grandparents and parents who have taught me of God's great faithfulness.

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