My friend, Annie, dropped off a lobster costume for Ryker to borrow and before she was out the door the kids were saying their dads famous quote, "Put it on!" Isn't our lobster yummy lookin ;) and I'm not even a seafood gal
Here's pumpkin time 8 years ago. . .overdue with our lil pumpkin Ainsley

soon to be a family of 3. . .
I look happy and in love. . .the daddy looks a bit worried, and the baby is screamin I think :)

I also came across this carving pumpkin pic from our first yr of marriage, at Dave and Traci's apt across the hall from ours :) A funny story about them. I would hang cute things outside our apt door, etc and Traci told me she had to "keep up with Jones' ". . .well, I didn't know what that saying meant and I told GooF that they thought our last name was Jones. Yes, about as funny as the time in college when my prof crossed out a word I'd written and wrote "trite". . .not knowing what that meant, I used "trite" in place of the word I'd origanally used there. Fun times :)
I am so thankful for our college years and those first few years of marriage in Ames, IA. I believe they were so good for our marriage. We had an excellent group of Bible Study friends (mostly all newleyweds and grad students). We grew in our relationships with God and with each other. I will always treasure those years, and the months spent travelling out east (our next big travels will hopefully take us to FL. . have never been to Disney). And then when we got back from out east I was eager to be a mommy!

soon to be a family of 3. . .
I look happy and in love. . .the daddy looks a bit worried, and the baby is screamin I think :)

I also came across this carving pumpkin pic from our first yr of marriage, at Dave and Traci's apt across the hall from ours :) A funny story about them. I would hang cute things outside our apt door, etc and Traci told me she had to "keep up with Jones' ". . .well, I didn't know what that saying meant and I told GooF that they thought our last name was Jones. Yes, about as funny as the time in college when my prof crossed out a word I'd written and wrote "trite". . .not knowing what that meant, I used "trite" in place of the word I'd origanally used there. Fun times :)

8 years ago we were awaiting the arrival of this girlie girl!
I came across the Pumpkin Prayer this year and Ainsley just loved it! Not sure who it's by but it goes
Dear God, as I carve my pumpkin help me to say this prayer:
Open my mind so I can learn about You
(cut the top off the pumpkin)
Take away all my sin and forgive me for the wrong things I do.
(clean out the inside)
Open my eyes so Your love I will see
(Cute the eyes in the heart shapes)
I'm sorry for turning up my nose to all you've given me.
(Cute a nose in the shape of a cross)
Open my ears so your word I will hear.
(Cut the ears shaped like the Bible)
Open my mouth so I can tell others You're near
(cut the mouth in the shape of a fish)
Let your light shine in all I say and do! Amen.
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