Here are you and your siblings each at 1 yr old. . .

Today you are One! Your siblings were SO. VERY. EXCITED. for you when you woke up this morning!! They made sure you got a number 1 pancake and they gave you lots of love. Porter made you some robot arms out of paper and Ainsley gave you her old teddy bear. You are adored! You crack us up! When you play peek-a-boo you don't quite get your hands over your eyes so you squish your face. . .

we laugh and laugh. You say "dog" and "woof woof" often. You also say mama and dada. When I say bye bye or that daddy's coming home you start waving the cutest wave. You still like to rockabye and nurse to sleep and I like that too. We think you are OH. SO. SWEET and we just enjoy you so much! We love you baby Ryker!! My how you've grown in one short year!! We thank God for you Ryker Matthew!

love, mommy
1 comment:
I can't believe Ryker is 1 already! Crazy how fast that happened:) Glad he had a nice birthday.
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