Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The glasses
Operation Christmas Child. . .and thoughts on motherhood

others have been not so much. I was chatting with some playgroup and mops moms the other day about how mothering has changed. Those days when they were all really little sometimes got long and lonely. . .counting down the hours til we'd greet daddy after work. Now the urgent demands of mothering tiny ones have somewhat passed and we've moved on to a busy with activities/friends age, but there is still plenty of family time too. As much as I enjoy myself a brand new baby and then those cute toddling steps Ryker is currently taking, I am so enjoying my kids that can put on their own shoes, buckle themselves up, talk with me, run to greet daddy themselves, etc :) Like mama always said, each age is fun. And mamas of those tiny ones, you will make it. . .in the mean time, stop over or meet up with us or give me a call. . .I always enjoy fellow mom friends! By the way, I am mom now to Porter, not mommy :) He must be too cool for that mommy talk, but he still did hold my hand on our recent date.
PS Have I ever mentioned I always use the last of the cookie dough to make a heart shaped cookie for my man? Well, I do. And I just did again the other day.
Pumpkin Time. . .8 yrs ago, today, and our lil lobster

soon to be a family of 3. . .
I look happy and in love. . .the daddy looks a bit worried, and the baby is screamin I think :)

I also came across this carving pumpkin pic from our first yr of marriage, at Dave and Traci's apt across the hall from ours :) A funny story about them. I would hang cute things outside our apt door, etc and Traci told me she had to "keep up with Jones' ". . .well, I didn't know what that saying meant and I told GooF that they thought our last name was Jones. Yes, about as funny as the time in college when my prof crossed out a word I'd written and wrote "trite". . .not knowing what that meant, I used "trite" in place of the word I'd origanally used there. Fun times :)

Friday, October 21, 2011
Joy Tripled
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Party

We had a football themed party for Ryker's 1st Birthday!
Thanks to our family and friends for helping us celebrate Ryker's 1st Birthday!
Encourage, Encourage, Encourage
As a mom, I am so thankful for those old ladies when we're out and about, or the neighbor down the street, who take the time to encourage me or comment on my well mannered children, who of course don't always act that way. Well, today we were at the local breadstore, and one of my children accidentally bumped into the lady in front of us. She yelled. The cashier looked stunned. I barely held in the tears til I got to my minivan. Not wanting to judge the lady, just wanting to pray for her. And, I'm just reminding myself of the importance of encouraging one another. . .esp other moms on this mothering journey!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Dear Ryker.

Today you are One! Your siblings were SO. VERY. EXCITED. for you when you woke up this morning!! They made sure you got a number 1 pancake and they gave you lots of love. Porter made you some robot arms out of paper and Ainsley gave you her old teddy bear. You are adored! You crack us up! When you play peek-a-boo you don't quite get your hands over your eyes so you squish your face. . .

love, mommy