Am I really going to blog about knots? I guess I am. Porter is fascinated. To say the least. Today he told me, "I like things with strings." Really? I hadn't noticed :)

Just so someday when you become a knot theorist, Porter, you will thank me for helping you untie all of your knotted trucks, for stepping over your strings, and for not minding that my ball of yarn is no longer a ball.
Knots and such. The such stands for sick. Baby number 3 had a fever. Then baby number 1. Then baby number number 2. My first baby seems to have been hit the hardest :( Every time her medicine starts to wear off her fever comes back. She wanted Grammy to come see her on Saturday, so thankfully my parents came over and Grammy played tic tac toe and the dot game with her, while Grandpa filled up the boys' love tanks. On Sunday GooF taught Sunday School (thanks babe. . .although the kids may not want me back :) ), and my parents brought over dinner and gatorade. Ainsley has spent lots of time coloring.

She drew pictures for Porter and he gave her a leaf :) Better get back to business (hopefully without tripping over knotted strings :) ), but just some cute pics of Trey playing football. . .

Ainsley praying. . .

And the newest addition to our family, Allison, as Ainsley named her. She was thrilled when the UPS man dropped off her newly adopted sister. .

Those are some serious knots! I love the name Porter... the only reason I picked it for our dog is that it seems I won't get the chance to use it on a son - the puppy was my consolation prize ;)
I saw your post over at Vera's who I saw through MckMamma. I just wanted to say that my daughter is also named Ainsley (although I call her Tink in my blog.) I've only ever seen or heard the name twice before we named our daughter that, LOVE the name! What is your Ainsley's middle name, if you don't mind me asking. Our's is Ainsley Paige.
Porters knots make me laugh:) I loved cabbage patch kids when I was little, aren't their names always kind of weird? I don't really have a gut feeling either way for the most part..I think I have girl feelings more this time they either of the other times the last two times I was pretty certain they were boys from the beginning but this time I just don't know, I am trying not to get my hopes up for a girl and we are NOT finding out this time because I'm pretty sure if the ultrasound tech told me it was another boy I would be bummed for awhile afterwards if I can hold, see, touch, kiss the baby then I may still be slightly disappointed but actually getting to snuggle baby will make it better pretty quickly:) So far all 3 of my pregnancies have been different so its hard to tell. I really think you should reconsider having a baby at the same time:)
Found your blog through Kelly's Korner and fell in love with your kids! They are adorable! Love the knots!I just wanted to let you know about my blog giveaway to benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. This giveaway is for Paula Deen’s 10 piece cookware set. Check out my blog for more details about entry. Thanks for looking. Tiff
Funny the things you will learn about each other just by being friends via facebook! Love your blog! Who designed it?
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