Whoo Hoo!!! Spring Break is finally here! 7 years ago we were spending spring break in Coralville, IA. Sounds tropical enough :)
Saturday was beautiful, with clear blue skies. . .we spent the morning at the zoo. . .

Trey was saying, "goat" the whole way there, but when he finally saw them he wasn't so sure :)

The monkeys (or as the zoo calls them, gibbons) were our favorites

We have here the protective older sis telling/assisting :) her fearless little bro to get down from the fence, and then daddy saying it's ok. . .

I just love these shots of my biggest man and my littlest man. . .I am still "the greatest fan of your life" GooF :)

How he endlessly carries these two. . one in each arm. . .I don't know

And how he treats his girls. . .

Thanks for a fun zoo day GooF! There is no one I'd rather get the giggles with when we don't feel like we can meet another "need" and the whining is too much. Looks like we're in need of some GREEN grass!

Saturday evening we went to our favorite park. . .I had to run and get my camera when I saw Trey climb up here on his own and then realize he couldn't work the thing. . .

Thanks to his siblings for helping him out. . .whether he wanted it or not :)

We got our first B & G treat of the season. . .mmm. . .slushwhip. . .

And it looks like the kids aren't the only ones that needed a bath after the park. Think I was being touched at all?! Us mothers of little ones often feel like we're being touched all day long. . .well, we are!

It was even nice enough to wash daddy's car!! love the little kick A. . .

I layed a blanket on the dead brown grass and watched the action. . .

Ainsley got to bring the doll, "Jill" home from preschool this weekend and take her on adventures that start with the Letter U.

After a few days with Jill , Ainsley decided to spend her own money adopting her first cabbage patch doll. She picked one out online and is anxiously awaiting her arrival in the mail!
Jill even came with her to her first piano lesson. Good thing Grammy has a Ukelele :)

Porter's favorite book right now is the Grinch and he has a lot of it memorized. . .so cute! And here we are slurping spaghetti too :)

Some bubble fun with the neighbor girls. . .

Gotta love Ainsley's style :)

And bakin with my babes/cookin with my kidlets. . .

Trey woke up with a fever this morning, so say a prayer that he feels better and no one else gets sick! In the meantime we may have some of this. . .

And I can't well til he's well enough to do some more of this again. . .

He was just practicing his letters :) Or maybe he wanted to be Super G?!
Oh the sickies no fun, we had those all last week and I THINK we are finally all better for the most part. Cute pics of the kids at the zoo, you guys should come back to Iowa for spring break:)
Just stopping by. Your blogs and kids are cute as a button. :o)
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