Miss Ainsley was so excited for St Patty's day that she slept in green last night :) No pinching her when she woke up!!
Grammy came over with Taetum and Bridger for a McDonalds lunch complete with Shamrock Shakes. Did I mention our large shamrock shake got spilled on the van floor? I did what any mother would do. . I got a cup, scooped up the shamrock shake off the van floor with the cup, and fed it to the spiller of the shamrock shake. OK, maybe not EVERY mother would do that, but this shamrock shake loving mother would, and DID!
Our littlest leprechaun was laughing at himself, trying to sit on a ball :)
Last night, after grilled hotdogs, we played outside til the kids were filthy and truly did need baths, not just for the sake of routine! Here they are building "the best nest." We love that book!
"Hey Brother, you gonna eat that?!"
I uploaded a video of the kids all saying happy st patty's day (no Porter, we don't pat people). I also uploaded one of Trey naming animals in a book and saying, "Jesus book," along with a few of Ainsley reading a book/reciting some of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
1 comment:
Oh what a fun day!! It looks like you are enjoying these beautiful days!! Can't beat spring days after a long winter!
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