We went to the zoo with a couple of my college friends and our kids. . .It has been fun for me to get to know them better as moms! Ainsley absolutely adores Ella, a little girl Trey's age. . .
We have been a busy bunch since college! :) Mom friends are so very important. . .people who, after you discipline, can laugh with you that one brother retaliated by throwing sand at the other brother. Not that mine did that. . .I'm just sayin :) Oh, and how is that belly? 19 wks photos and growing. . .am loving when I feel the baby move, which is mainly when I stop and sit. . .am loving that my pregnancy can create conversations between fellow moms in the hyvee line. . .

We also spent a morning downtown with my sister, my friend Michelle and our kids. I look forward to summer when they are off from teaching. . most summer days we call each other and say, "what should we do today?" Trolley ride. . .
Malts at the diner, and a visit from daddy. . .

I am thankful for mom friends. . .new ones and old ones. . young ones and mature ones that understand without judgement, the joys and struggles of MoMmYhOoD.
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