I took the kids to a garden center the other day to get myself a hanging pot, and Ainsley adored this little lamb planter that she found. I told her she could think about it, and if she wanted to spend her money on it, we would come back for it. With tears in her eyes, we left the lamb. (Porter informed the check out lady not to sell it to anyone else. . his sister wants it!) The next day, she came back with her saved up money to purchase it :) She filled it with dirt, flowers, and then watered/washed it off. . .

I had thought she may want to set it in the rocks or grass, but she chose the center of our patio table as the perfect place for her little lamb and what a fine centerpiece it is. . .

To be completely honest, I thought the plastic lamb planter was quite hidiuous in the store, but Ainsley loved it, and I love her. Plus, the lamb reminds me of something. . .leading my children as a shepherd. . .
GooF and I recently had the privilege of attending some sessions at a homeschool conference, and God used one in particular, Mark Hambys' seminar titled "Raise them Up Don't Crush Them Down," to speak to me. He spoke about reaching the heart of our children, rather than simply changing behaviors. He said, "Rules can change behavior but they can't change the heart." He said, "Children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices." I truly believe God calls me to mother my children with "arms extended in grace" and to be a shepherd as he said. I appreciated his honesty about his relationship with one of his sons, and it challenged me.
Since I have a lamb centerpiece on my patio table, I shall use it as a daily reminder to be a shepherd, and to seek out what that means for our family.
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