It was then off to Taetum's 6th Birthday Party!
What a sweet group of kindergarten girls aka Beach Babes (Taetum, Taylor, Sarah, Madison, Jadelyn, and Ainsley)
Porter kept asking, "which one's Ainsley?" So many girls. . what to do. I had told Porter he could come if he could act like a six yr old. . he told me he wan't sure but he could try :) Love his honesty, and he did great! Trey prefers to watch the action. . .
He continues to be my least active child. . .content to snuggle Grammy and sit by her and color. . .
My dad has always been so fun in the pool! Ainsley was so excited that she was the first grandchild to jump of grampas shoulders!
I pray their friendship will be lifelong. . .

These three "friends from the start" were so cute at present time. Ainsley and Maddie could hardly contain their excitement giving Taetum an easy bake oven :)
Typical 6 yr old party, with a little girl informing GooF "she was going to invite him to her 7th birthday, but now she's not" :)
The next morning Ainsley and Porter ran down to Taetum and Bridgers room at 7 am to wake them up :) Thus, five kids in our room. . .
This would be Trey telling me I could sleep on the floor bc he was sleeping with daddy. . .
and how they really ended up. . .
Happy Birthday Taetum Elizabeth! I remember the day you were born. . .we stood in a circle as a family, holding hands, crying, and praying for you and your mommy. We praise God for both of your lives! And then Ainsley spit up all over the hospital floor :) Both of you look overjoyed in this photo :)
After you and Ainsley survived the terrific twos together, and Steph and I came out with an even stronger friendship and respect for each other as mommies
you have become best of friends! Happy 6th Birthday Taetum Elizabeth! You are a beautiful child of God! We love you!

I have been challenged to take a facebook, blog reading, texting less, break. . .in order to spend more time in "skin relationships" and more time in worship with God. If the kids are down for rest and I have extra time for my hobby of blogging, I will be back to write more :)
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