Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I know I'm raising boys. . .
. . .when they carry all 6 loaves of bread from the bread store all by themselves just to "show you how strong they are!"
. . .when they talk COMPLETE NONSENSE to each other, and think each other is SO FUNNY!
That is how I know I'm raising boys. That, and the fact that there is pee around the toilet :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
For their friendship. . .
And, how is homeschooling going? Thanks for asking :) I really enjoy my afternoon time that I spend one on one with Ainsley. The math curriculum we are using, "Math U See" is great. . .I love how they teach the +8 and +9 math facts. By the end of this semester, she will be done with first grade math! She loves to teach Porter his kindergarten math :)
I really like VoWac too. . .a lot of the information she already knew but it is going well. We also spend time reading "guided reading" books and journaling. At bedtime we do "read alouds" of chapter books. As for my mornings, we all do our devotions/flag/calendar time/weather and then it's just a hodge podge of art, science, social studies etc things I come up with. If I continue to homeschool I would like curriculum for those areas. A lot of times our mornings are spent with friends over, or running errands, on field trips, playing, etc. And truthfully it is hard to get much "teaching" done with all 3 of them. Will I continue doing it next year? I am taking one day, one hour, one minute at a time :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Birthday Weekend

Friday, February 19, 2010
Science Discovery Center
And, we have been praying. My sister in law (Ryan's brother's wife) is in labor today! All involved have been in our prayers today. . have been praying for health, safety, strength, and God's peace and comfort. Ainsley informed random people at the Science Center that she's getting a new baby cousin today (like the lady in the elevator :) ). We are not only excited to get a new niece, but we are so excited for them to get to meet their little girl, hold her in their arms, and experience the joys of parenthood. They will be wonderful parents, who will love her and teach her about Jesus' love!
And now, waiting. . .
Thursday, February 18, 2010
3 down. . .9 to go
Now, totally unrelated, but quite funny. . .Porter had speech this morning, and he has newly and proudly mastered the "l" sound. His teacher was saying words that begin with "l" and he was repeating them. She paused between "l" words and said, "um." Porter then said, "lum." MADE ME LAUGH! Did I mention he dressed himself for speech this morning? Yes, you guessed it, in a paint stained shirt.
"Yes, Porter I am glad you didn't take a nap so you could screw in all my outlet covers for me."
"Yes, because you're a boy and you're not scared of electricity."
"Yes, good think you're here since Trey's asleep and daddy's at work.?"
"Yes Porter, good thing, yes Porter, good thing, yes Porter."
You get the picture. . .
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
How's the house coming?
After the kitchen is painted, I am going to take a painting break (maybe?) and try to get some pictures hung, the rest of the boxes unpacked, etc. Our living room furniture comes on Sat, and I can't wait to have a place to sit!
Notice there are no pictures of the floor or counters. . that is because they are completely covered in toys and mess!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
and heart pizza making,