or alternately titled, "Swimming in the lake"

Their favorite part was when dad took them out to the buoys!!

Miss Ainsley who was so excited to go camping, she saved all her new clothes and shoes for the trip. . .

Porter. . .who asked me, just today, when we get to go camping again. . .

And Trey. . .who woke up on day 2 and the first thing out of his mouth was "go camping." It looks as if he made this rock grow by watering it. . .

GooF would have titled this post, "Disgusting" I'm sure. He thinks disgusting pretty much sums up camping :)
1 comment:
Did I miss part 1? Looks like you had fun other than the key incident. You are good parents for taking them camping... but I agree with your husband about Disgusting and may very well never take my kids camping.
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