Back to day 2. I DROVE us back from the shower house, I think I set the key on the table in the cabin, and then I started loading the van for fishing. When we went to start the van, the key was no where to be found. We looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Took everything out of the van. Took everthing out of the cabin and went through bags. Went through the garbage can, the cooler, the beach toys, etc. Did I mention we went through the van again? We retraced our steps. We looked through the cracks in the deck of the cabin. We prayed. We called on my dad to pray. I'm not Catholic, but I even tried praying to the saint that's supposed to help you find lost things. It didn't work. The van key was lost and it still is. We had a certain fisherman that was very excited to go fishing, so we just rode in Grampa Seths pickup. And off he went. . .

Thanks Gramma and Grampa for taking us on our first fishing trip!
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