Ainsley was excited to see Bambio, who was a gorilla born about the time she was born. We used to watch him get rocked as a baby. Here's Miss Ainsley around Trey's age at the zoo. And, the ride home. . .
On a side note, Ainsley has begun making friends wherever we go. On the way we stopped at a play area (you know, we don't travel over 2 hrs without stopping) and before I knew it Ainsley was playing hide and seek with a little girl. Then at the zoo she made a friend with a little girl who asked her if she was a Husker fan :) GooF's favorite part of the trip was when Porter accidentally knocked over a giant Easter egg at the mall. . am sad to say I missed that one :)
Ainsley also did swimming lessons this month at an indoor, warm facility. She learned to float on her back and then kick her legs and swim on her back! She also learned to jump in and go under without plugging her nose.
I haven't done a NOT ME for awhile, so here goes.
I DID NOT allow Porter to go into a bathroom stall on his own at church a few Wed nights ago. And even if I had, he would have properly gone potty. He DID NOT get potty all over his pants, and most definitely DID NOT wear his sisters PINK pants to his class, without underwear, bc that's all we had extra in the van.
I DID NOT ask Trey to say, "mommy will you please do it," to which he DID NOT respond, "DO IT!" Even if he had, his most favorite phrases are NOT "read it," "play it," and "do it!" 19 month olds are not demanding. . .do you think?!
Last night, after grilled hotdogs, we played outside til the kids were filthy and truly did need baths, not just for the sake of routine! Here they are building "the best nest." We love that book!"Hey Brother, you gonna eat that?!"
I uploaded a video of the kids all saying happy st patty's day (no Porter, we don't pat people). I also uploaded one of Trey naming animals in a book and saying, "Jesus book," along with a few of Ainsley reading a book/reciting some of Laura Ingalls Wilder.