Ainsley has been anxiously awaiting going to the hair salon with her cousin :) They would like to work there when they grow up, so that they can cut Grammy's hair :) This morning my sister and I braved the hair salon with 5 kids 5 and under. I was loaded with fruities, m&m's, books, and a stroller for Trey. It actually went very well. . .there was plenty for Trey to sit and look at, and if Porter had misbehaved, all I would have had to do was tell him he was going to get a haircut if he did that again :)

In other news, as we left the pizza place this wknd, we were planning on taking the kids swimming. . . .and then, we realized the pool was closed. What better place to swim than in our new basement bathtub?!

Do all kids do this? Or just children of a math major?! Ainsley and Porter LOVE to line things up. Here are Porter's toys having a parade this morning. . .

And, I just love my men (and my little lady of course). . .Trey has learned to point at his head, ears, eyes, teeth, etc, when we ask, but he's not one for showing off :)

Just for a litle split screen fun. . .Ainsley and Trey

Ainsley and Porter

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