Ainsley was the very first one on stage at her ballet recital! They danced to "A tisket, A tasket"

(on the far right in purple, with her cousin next to her)

She really enjoyed performing and told me later how her teacher told her no one would notice if they made a mistake because no one in the audience knows the dance!

She had both sets of grandparents there to watch her, along with her brothers, parents, Auntie Jenny and Auntie Stephy!

She enjoyed getting flowers afterwards :)
What you don't see in these photos, is that Ryker hadn't pooped for a few days as he is getting used to solids, and he finally pooped in the dressing room at the recital. Let's just say I threw his entire onesie away :)
Ainsley, whether you are in ballet for many more years or whether you turn up the radio when a song comes on that you love, may you continue to "Praise His name with dancing!"
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