Porter William,

This morning you woke in the sixes and said it was too hard to wait til the sevens to get up! You are my get up and go boy though. . .you are typically the first kid dressed and ready for your day and your 6th birthday was no exception!

Your friends arrived for your "spy party," and after taking their pictures and choosing code names (you chose "Agent Team 6"), daddy sent you boys through spy training!! What a fun dad you have :) You went through laser beams (string) and ran across hot coals (rock) etc.

You each received a spy badge and were ready for your mission!

The mission? The case of the missing ice cream bucket! In an empty ice cream bucket in the freezer, we had a puzzle that led you to the next empty icecream bucket with a puzzle, etc etc etc, until finally you found the icecream bucket with icecream in it in the cooler! That was probably the favorite part for "Team 6!"

Each boy went home with spy gadgets and we headed to chuckecheese to continue celebrating you Porter!
6 yrs ago I heard the dr say "It's a boy!" And to think, now I've heard that 3 times in the last 6 years :) You love to make baby Ryker smile and laugh!
6 years ago we were preparing for your arrival by buying a minivan, practicing big sister skills,

and moving Ainsley out of the crib to make room for

YOU, Porter William!

Happy 6th Birthday Agent Team 6!
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