and the next few days, the GooF Troop is 7 1/2, 5 1/2, 3 1/2,

and 1/2

Soon they will be 7 1/2, 6, 4, and 1. . .and I'm sure 19 1/2, 18, 16, and 13 will come before we know it ;)

I am excited for the future with the GooF Troop. . .we have lots of fun planned for this summer! Starting with a picnic blanket lunch today!

You gotta love wrist rolls, baby dimples in the hand,

and kissable cheeks!

And you gotta love how Ryker makes the big kids laugh! He always wants a drink of our water, so we gave him a sippy cup. . .whenever he drops it on the floor the kids just laugh and squeal with delight :) And, you gotta love Ryker's face when he tries new foods. . .he gobbles up baby rice and oatmeal, so i've started adding his veggies to that and he likes them better that way :)