The Psalms say. . ."Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. . . .Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!"

Since I was a little girl, I have wanted 4 children. . . .I don't know if that qualifies as a quiver full. . .but I do indeed feel blessed.
What a joy it was to see you moving around today during the ultrasound, with your spine against my tummy making it difficult to get a good view of you. We thank God that you are growing healthy, with leg length measuring in the 90th% and weighing 1 lb 1 oz. Grammy got out a pound of butter so Ainsley could see how heavy you are :)

I have placenta previa, but the dr didn't seem too concerned. We need to be cautious, but most likely the placenta will move by my next ultrasound. If not, I will for sure need a csection at the time of your birth and we are praying for no complications before then. Although we didn't find out your gender, we are pretty sure we saw little boy parts :) If we're correct, our home will be filled with much laughter, craziness, wrestling, football games, and a big sister that will make you boys into fine marriage material someday :) Our quiver will soon be filling up with two more feet. . .

and we feel blessed!
1 comment:
Congratulations, Emily! It sounds like you and Annie will be having different genders for the first time ever. :)
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