"I have to do what, mom? Clean it out? How do I do that? Why don't they do that before they sell them?"

I made my first turkey. It was free. While still in my 20's. Pretty impressive, I know. Ainsley has been learning about the first Thanksgiving at school, and she asked when she saw a picture of The Last Supper, "Is that the first Thanksgiving?" No, but this WAS OUR family's 1st Thanksgiving spent at home. It was a relaxing day. Where else can you dig into the apple pie with a fork before the meal and no one cares? Where else can all the kids wear pj's for the meal? We scoured the ads for Black Friday deals, and put up our lights and tree. . .

He had celebrated with Ryan's family the weekend before. . .

And with my family the weekend after. Any guesses as to what's going on in this blurry picture of my husband and brother in laws?!

We celebrated my very loving, giving, wonderful with children mom's 60th, played with my sister and dogs, and we got to eat lefse hot off the griddle. . mmm!!

Our tree is well, a little lopsided, but the kids had a great time decorating the bottom half (old stockings and all). . .

And GooF and I love to reminisce as we look at our favorite ornaments. . Martha and George Washington make us laugh every year and remind us of living out east. The angel I've had since I was a little girl. An ornament I got for Ainsley on her first Christmas. Ornaments that have broken and we still hang the head on the tree.

Ainsley has been wearing her "petticoat" everywhere. It is more of a "pea coat" but after reading the Laura Ingalls books and learning that petticoats keep you warm, here is Ainsley sporting her "petticoat" as she calls it :) . . .

Her baby doll Allison sports one too. . .

She wore that "petticoat" right on downtown to the first parade of lights we have taken the kids to. It was the perfect evening to be downtown, with the beautiful weather, all the lights, and the kids were old enough to enjoy it. . they were enthralled!

Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for many things. All meal long at our house, we named things we are thankful for and agreed with each other. . .we are thankful for our family, friends, food, health, a warm house, clothes, a daddy that works, a mommy that stays home, Ainsley's teacher, the love of Jesus, etc etc etc. Thank you God for all of these things.
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