And this would be a picture that Porter took, while Maddie was taking a picture of Ainsley. And those would be my legs.
I enjoy taking pictures, so am usually the one behind the camera. But occasionally I get in a picture. . .or two. . .
or three. . .
But back to pictures of the kids. . .RaNdOm pHoToS!!!
watermelon in the hair. . .back in to the bathtub. . .
Me trying to get a picture of the boys in their matching shirts. . notice the "stickers" still on bc they didn't want to take the "stickers" off :)
Ainsley helping me out. . .
no luck.
There you have it. The spray park and then some.
1 comment:
Ainsley's legs look exactly the same as they did the last time I saw her... four years ago. :0)
And happy anniversary, by the way!
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