Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Winter Wonderland
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Me: "So where do your children go to school?"
Them (people at Ryan's work Christmas party, moms at the park, college friends, neighbors, family friends, church friends, etc): "Oh, we homeschool."
Me: "Not you too! Is God trying to tell me something?"
I know that homeschooling is not right for every family, just like public school or private school is not right for every family. Honestly, I still don't know for certain that it is right for us. But, we are at the point that we need to try it and find out. Do I have questions? Yes. Does Ryan support me? Yes. Are we trying to follow God's lead? Yes. Are we taking one semester at a time? Most definitely!
And so, for this next semester, we will set off on our homeschooling journey. I will be doing 1st grade math, phonics, spelling, etc with Ainsley and pre-k math, phonics, etc with Porter (using Math U See and VoWac). We will work in science experiments, cursive handwriting, geography, history, art, music, and health. Of course, there will be much story reading, playtime, rest time, field trips and Bible Stories. And, you know, computer games and movies when mom needs a break :)
Thanks for praying for us and please continue to do so! Stop by anytime. . .I will want adult conversation!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Baking and Singing. . .

(Ainsley did great in the program. . .she danced her way through the first song, and was yawning by the last few :) )
"The Best Day Ever!"
There was lots of fun in the hot tub , and Ainsley taught herself how to swim across the pool on her back! I felt like, "such a mom" on the trip. . .
Trey woke up at 5:45am so he and I went down to the lobby and had continental breakfast with some "Snowbirds" travelling cross country who thought there was no way I was old enough to have 3 children. . .I felt like such a mom.
I drank coffee at a motel. . . I felt like such a mom.
Once, when the kids went swimming, I sat in one of those chairs by the pool, not in my swimsuit. . .I felt like such a mom.
I started cleaning up our hotel room. . .I felt like such a mom.
I was exhausted before we even left, after packing for myself and our children. . . .I felt like such a mom.
Well, you get the point. Am glad the kids had "the best day ever," and I really did enjoy family time. . .minus losing Trey for a bit in the hotel and having very sad kids when it was time to go. . . .but, overall enjoyable family time :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"Snowy Blowy Day,"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Twinkle Twinkle" Christmas Star
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ainsley (6), Taetum (5), Porter (4), Bridger (3), and Trey (2)Thanks to my good friend Kristi
She is wonderful with active children :)
In front of Grammy and Grampas house. . .